Kaufmännisches Berufskolleg Oberberg GUMMERSBACH GERMANY
Kaufmännisches Berufskolleg Oberberg is a vocational business college situated in Gummersbach about 50 kms east of Cologne. The college has 90 teaching staff, specializes in the field of business and administration and is attended by 2000 students. We have about 1300 part-time students who are apprentices/trainees on the German dual system. At the end of their traineeship they will sit a final exam before the Chamber of Commerce. These students are trained in all relevant business subjects to qualify for specialist business assistant jobs. The second group consists of 700 full-time students aged 16+ who learn general business skills to prepare them for an apprenticeship in companies.
Alternative Learning Programme PAOLA
The name of the school is ALternative Learning Programme (ALP). It is situated in Paola a town in the southeast of the island. It is mainly a vocational school and caters for form 5 students that prefer vocational subjects to academic ones.At the moment there are about 250 students and their age varies between 15 and 17 years. The students can stay up to 2 years in our school. There are also about 80 teaching staff between teachers and Learning support assistants (LSA). The school provides 21 different vocational subjects, which vary from Automobile engineering to Hair dressing, from Welding to Beauty care, from Carpentry to Hospitality among others. Of course there are also the core subjects which are Maths, Maltese, English, ICT, Ethics, PSCD and PE.
Colégio de S. Miguel FATIMA PORTUGAL
Colégio de São Miguel is a Catholic school situated in Fátima. We have 1126 students that come from the whole region. Our students' families are mainly low and middle-class ones. We have some students with migrant backgrounds and some students who live in foster homes. Besides many of our students' families don't have very high cultural perspectives, nor do they value education in their children's lives. However we are engaged in offering all our students a set of personalized pedagogical approaches, so that we can fight early school leaving by providing our students with technological courses. In fact, our upper secondary school students can follow different educational paths, such as scientific areas (STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) or technical and professional ones - courses level IV - (Arts, Economics, Social Studies, Sports and New Technologies), to enable them to choose if they want to go into the university or enter the job market.
Our Institute is a Technical High School, named “S. Cannizzaro”, with over 120 teachers and about 1000 students aged from 14 to 19. It is a Technical school with the following specializations: Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Electronics and Mechanics. In the system of “Internships Programme “, our institution, gives our students the opportunity to work with local companies and thanks to the collaboration of universities, companies, training organizations etc. students can apply their knowledge in the “real world job” outside the classroom and gain experience in their field of study.
Istituto Tecnico Industriale “S. Cannizzaro” CATANIA ITALY